
Participants’ testimony

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See in this video the testimony of Mrs. Lucie Prémont, participant to group activities on existential quest. These workshops were for a research led by Dr Pierre Gagnon, director of the RQSPAL.

“We were able to benefit from the extraordinary support program which you have supported since 2007. Its purpose was to give meaning to our experience of the disease and also to let as many people as possible benefit from our experiences. We don’t make a mistake by asserting that it was a balm on our physical and psychological wounds. Furthermore, it allowed us to explore our relationship with spirituality […] Communication, listening and sharing have made us a group, but also created relationships that each could call family.”

“Group meetings, it’s an extraordinary support. It is a pipe of energy. The group helped me to overcome my difficulties beyond my expectations. Alone, when I started losing courage, I thought of the comfort the group brought to me. […] The psychologists accompanied us well. One proactive, other one smoothly.”

“It must continue. I would be willing to lead a group voluntary.”

“I almost didn’t participate in the group because of the diagnosis of two cancers in spring 2012 […] but a research professional contacted me repeatedly and informed me that the last group was in autumn. I joined the group with the wish to be able to participate and the fate let me be a part of the group. It was the most extraordinary experience of my life. […] To continue to help each other, the group decided to meet every three months to have lunch together.”

“At the beginning, I wasn’t at ease with the idea of being with other people. I would have preferred to receive individual sessions. But with hindsight, I realize that the group sessions were very beneficial. The exchange with other participants was rewarding. It’s true that it required some energy, but that helped me progress. […] Most people are uncomfortable to speak about cancer. With the program, I found listening and supervision. Both psychotherapists helped us to bring out the essential. The techniques of relaxation and visualization still help me [in spite of the end of the therapy] a lot. I learned to put things into perspective. […] The sessions allowed me to listen to me more, to refocus on my values and priorities.”

“My participation in this research project has been significant for me in fighting the disease and surviving cancer. The strenghts I discovered and developed within this context are still useful for me in moving forward in life. Moreover, my humble collaboration to the positive results obtained contributes to providing me with more meaning to the difficult time I experienced. My sincere thanks to the research team and collaborators, continue your wonderful work.”

Le RQSPAL est soutenu financièrement par le Fonds de recherche du Québec-Santé.