The RQSPAL and the National platform for end-of-life research are jointly organizing their third International francophone science day on February 2nd, 2023, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., Quebec time and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. French time.
As part of this event, a call for paper is open from August 17 to October 7, 2022. Access the call for papers here, and offer a paper here.
ACCESS TO PALLIATIVE AND END-OF-LIFE CARE FOR ALL: A matter of equity, diversity, and inclusion
A major societal movement is orchestrating globally, regarding equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). The health sector is no exception. Having suffered in its early days from a form of unfounded opposition to curative care, palliative and end-of-life care (PELC) is, unfortunately, not accessible to all.
At first glance, when thinking of this care, we often imagine patients with advanced cancers. However, multiple pathologies can benefit from it: Alzheimer’s disease or multiple sclerosis, for example. Access to these PELC is harder for vulnerable, remote, and marginalized populations, such as people experiencing homelessness, people of immigrant origin or cultures different from those in the care settings, Aboriginal populations, members of the LGBTQ2+ community, the elderly, children suffering from potentially fatal chronic illnesses, people living far from major urban centres, etc. The services are poorly adapted to these realities and the health professionals and workers who gravitate around these patients are not adequately equipped to handle these situations.
On these topics, the scientific literature is rather sparse and inconclusive. Numerous questions that should be explored remain. Among these questions: how do palliative care settings coordinate and adapt to this reality? What can we learn from the knowledge in the literature and what lines of thought can we draw from this knowledge? Is access to quality palliative care for all utopian? What are the impacts on health professionals, workers, and caregivers
This emerging movement fascinates and generates a multitude of unexplored fields of study for our researchers. This virtual meeting will be an opportunity to discuss PELC issues surrounding EDI criteria. Work by experienced, internationally recognized researchers will be presented.
1. Share the experience of France and Quebec on EDI issues with access to PELC and adapted services;
2. Identify knowledge integration challenges in care settings and explore opportunities to overcome them;
3. Determine future research directions on the subject of PELC in connection with the EDI issues and access to PELC and adapted services.