
Publications récentes

La liste ci-dessous contient les publications des membres régulier∙ères dans des revues révisées par les pairs au cours de l’année 2024.

Les membres régulier∙ères parmi les auteur∙rices apparaissent en caractères gras.

Veuillez noter que cette liste est mise à jour de façon bimensuelle. 

Pour voir les publications des années précédentes : 2023  2022  2021  2020  2019   2018   2017   2016


Masse-Grenier, M., Chang, S. L., Bélanger, A., Stephan, J. F., Hébert, J., Deschamps, P., Plourde, L., Provost, F., Farzin, H., Fallu, J. S., Dorval, M., & P3A Research Group (2024). What do health professionals think about implementing psilocybin-assisted therapy in palliative care for existential distress? A World Café qualitative studyPalliative & supportive care, 1–11. Advance online publication.

Guité-Verret, A., & Vachon, M. (2024). The Traces of Cancer: A Metaphorical Understanding of the Experiences of Women Living Beyond Breast CancerQualitative health research, 10497323241242054. Advance online publication.

Dufour, I., Courteau, J., Legault, V., Godard-Sebillotte, C., Roberge, P., Hudon, C., & TorSaDE Cohort Working Group (2024). Care trajectories and transitions at the end of life: a population-based cohort studyAge and ageing53(10), afae218.

Pearce, R., Synnes, A., Lam, M. M., Richter, L. L., Bacchini, F., Jones, M., Luu, T. M., Janvier, A., & PARENTS’ VOICE NETWORK (2024). Partnering With Parents to Change Measurement and Reporting of Preterm Birth OutcomesPediatrics, e2024067093. Advance online publication.

Fontaine, G., Vinette, B., Weight, C., Maheu-Cadotte, M. A., Lavallée, A., Deschênes, M. F., Lapierre, A., Castiglione, S. A., Chicoine, G., Rouleau, G., Argiropoulos, N., Konnyu, K., Mooney, M., Cassidy, C. E., Mailhot, T., Lavoie, P., Pépin, C., Cossette, S., Gagnon, M. P., Semenic, S., … Middleton, S. (2024). Effects of implementation strategies on nursing practice and patient outcomes: a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysisImplementation science : IS19(1), 68.

Cairns, K., Beaulieu-Bonneau, S., Jomphe, V., Lamontagne, M. È., de Guise, É., Moore, L., Savard, J., Sirois, M. J., Swaine, B., & Ouellet, M. C. (2024). Four-year trajectories of symptoms and quality of life in individuals hospitalized after mild traumatic brain injuryArchives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, S0003-9993(24)01255-3. Advance online publication.

Corbeil, O., Béchard, L., Anderson, É., Huot-Lavoie, M., Desmeules, C., Bachand, L., Brodeur, S., Carmichael, P. H., Jacques, C., Solmi, M., Dorval, M., Giroux, I., Roy, M. A., & Demers, M. F. (2024). Prevalence of schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders in problem gambling: A systematic review and meta-analysisEuropean psychiatry : the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists67(1), e56.



Michaud Dumont, G., Lapierre, S. & Viau-Quesnel, C. (2023). « Une plaie douloureuse » : l’expérience d’enfants adultes ayant perdu par suicide une mère ou un père âgé entre 50 et 64 ans. Frontières, 34(2).

Michel, A., Dorval, M., Chiquette, J., & Savard, J. (2024). Fear of cancer recurrence in breast cancer survivors carrying a BRCA1 or 2 genetic mutation : a cross-sectional study. Hereditary cancer in clinical practice22(1), 16.

Audet, C., Bertrand, C., Martel, M. O., Pinard, A. M., Bérubé, M., & Lacasse, A. (2024). Self-Medication Paths: A Descriptive Study Unveiling the Interplay Between Medical and Non-medical Cannabis in Chronic Pain Management. The Clinical journal of pain. Advance online publication.

Buron, L., Perreault, S., Sultan, S., Bonanno, M., Coltin, H., Laverdière, C., Rondeau, É., & Desjardins, L. (2024). Full and Partial Facial Affect Recognition in Pediatric Brain Tumour Survivors and Typically Developing Children Following COVID-19 Pandemic. Current oncology (Toronto, Ont.)31(8), 4546–4558.

Suarez, N. R. E., Morrow, A. S., LaVecchia, C. M., Dugas, M., Carnovale, V., Maraboto, A., Leon-Garcia, M., Lucar, M., Hasset, L. C., Diallo, T. T., Dupéré, S., & LeBlanc, A. (2024). Connected and supported: a scoping review of how online communities provide social support for breast cancer survivors. Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice. Advance online publication.

Bet, Q., Gilbert, A., Bergeron, J., Fournel, I., Savard, J., Foldes-Busque, G., & Provencher, M. D. (2024). Perceptions des professionnels face à l’implantation d’autosoins dirigés dans le cadre du Programme québécois pour les troubles mentaux. Sante mentale au Quebec49(1), 99–122..

Marier, P., Joy, M., Smele, S., Zakaria, R., Beauchamp, J., Bourgeois-Guérin, V., Lupien, P. L., & Sussman, T. (2024). Older Adults in Administrative Quagmire: A Scoping Review of Policy and Program Coordination Across 6 Marginalized Older Adult Populations. The Gerontologist, gnae120. Advance online publication.

Moussa, S., Rocci, J., Hamdy, R., Grauslund, J., Lyster, M. L., & Tsimicalis, A. (2024). Ophthalmological screening guidelines for individuals with Osteogenesis Imperfecta: a scoping review. Orphanet journal of rare diseases19(1), 316.

Braiki, R., Douville, F., & Gagnon, M. P. (2024). Factors influencing the reporting of medication errors and near misses among nurses: A systematic mixed methods review. International journal of nursing practice, e13299. Advance online publication.

Durieux, B. N., Gramling, R., & Sanders, J. J. (2024). Reprogramming Healthcare: Leveraging AI to Strengthen Doctor-Patient Relationships. Journal of general internal medicine, 10.1007/s11606-024-08996-0. Advance online publication.

Sofronas, M., Wright, D. K., Macdonald, M. E., Bitzas, V., & Carnevale, F. A. (2024). « More Areas of Grey »: Ambiguities in Neuropalliative Care. Journal of hospice and palliative nursing : JHPN : the official journal of the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, 10.1097/NJH.0000000000001054. Advance online publication.

Lapierre, A., Bérubé, M., Giroux, M., Tardif, P. A., Turcotte, V., Mercier, É., Richard-Denis, A., Williamson, D., & Moore, L. (2024). Interprofessional interventions that impact collaboration and quality of care across inpatient trauma care continuum: A scoping review. Injury, 55(11), 111873. Advance online publication.

Knoerl, R., Sohn, M. B., Spath, K., Burnette, B., Francar, L., Mustian, K. M., Shah, D., Gauthier, L., & Gewandter, J. S. (2024). Exploring the reliability and validity of clinically-relevant outcome measures for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, 32(10), 675.

Simard, C., Roberge, V., St-Pierre, M., Cherblanc, J., Bergeron-Leclerc, C., Kadri, M. A., Lacharité, C., Bérubé, S., Lapointe, L., Faucher, V., & Dufresne, S. S. (2024). Designing a resilience-based intervention program for children with cancer and their families: a study protocolFrontiers in psychology, 15, 1419192.

Stinchcombe, A., Oueis, J., Wilson, K., & Wright, D. K. (2024). Safer dementia care spaces: Perspectives from LGBTQ+ people with cognitive impairment and caregiversDementia (London, England), 14713012241284691. Advance online publication.

Lunghi, C., Cailhol, L., Massamba, V., Renaud, S., David, P., Laouan Sidi, E. A., Biskin, R., Koch, M., Martineau, C., Rahme, E., Rochette, L., Sirois, C., Villeneuve, E., Vincent, P., & Lesage, A. (2024). Cluster B personality disorders and psychotropic medications: a focused analysis of trends and patterns across sex and age groupsSocial psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 10.1007/s00127-024-02768-1. Advance online publication.

Bérubé, A., Diallo, T., Roberge, M., Audate, P. P., Leblanc, N., Jobin, É., Moubarak, N., Guillaumie, L., Dupéré, S., Guichard, A., & Goupil-Sormany, I. (2024). Practicing nurses’ and nursing students’ perceptions of climate change: A scoping review. Nursing open11(9), e70043.

Sylvestre, P., Aronson, P. L., Yannopoulos, A., Poirier, C., Gaucher, N., & Burstein, B. (2024). Parental Preferences and Shared Decision-Making for the Management of Febrile Young Infants. Pediatrics, e2024066420. Advance online publication.

Guay, C. A., Maltais, F., Beaudoin, C., Carmichael, P. H., Laouan Sidi, E. A., Perreault, L., Sirois, C., & Provencher, S. (2024). Trends in COPD severe exacerbations, and all-cause and respiratory mortality, before and after implementation of newer long-acting bronchodilators in a large population-based cohort. BMC pulmonary medicine24(1), 450.

Perron, C., Racine, E., & Bouthillier, M. E. (2024). Medical Assistance in Dying in Quebec: A Continuum Between Teams’ Accountability and Interdisciplinary Support Groups’ Assumption of Responsibility. International journal of public health69, 1607407.

Martineau, I., Hamrouni, N., & Hébert, J. (2024). From ontological to relational: A scoping review of conceptions of dignity invoked in deliberations on medically assisted death. BMC medical ethics25(1), 96.

Vonarx N. (2024). Toute vérité ne devrait plus aller de soi. Soins. Gerontologie29(169), 9–40.

Vermette, S., & Vonarx, N. (2024). Sexualité et vieillissement au cinéma : reflet d’une idéologie capacitiste persistanteSoins. Gerontologie29(169), 30–34.

Vonarx N. (2024). Le corps de la vieillesse : une pensée médicale et matérialiste pernicieuseSoins. Gerontologie29(169), 14–18.


AOÛT 2024

Girard, M., Janvier, A., Barrington, K. J., Myhal, G., St-Pierre, C., Fournier, D., Chouinard, M. C., Lewin, A., & Renaud, C. (2024). Donor Milk Expression Habits: Can we Favor Hindmilk Banking for Extremely Preterm Infants?Breastfeeding medicine : the official journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, 10.1089/bfm.2024.0126. Advance online publication.

Allard, E., Coupat, C., Lessard, S., Therrien, N., Godard-Sebillotte, C.Létourneau, D.Nguyen, O.Côté, A.Fortin, G.Daneault, S.Soulières, M., Le Gall, J., & Fortin, S. (2024). Knowledge and practices of youth awareness on death and dying in school settings: a systematic scoping review protocolSystematic reviews13(1), 220.

Liang, J., & Nikiema, J. N. (2024). Enhancing Drug-Related Data Exchange: Advanced Technical Support for InteroperabilityStudies in health technology and informatics316, 1285–1286.

Sani, L., Cape, C., Merheb, J., Poulin, N., Lassagne, B., Canet, G., Lallemant, M., Cherblanc, J., De Vincenzo, C., Testoni, I., Canellopoulos, L., Kaufmann, N. T., & Bacqué, M. F. (2024). The Absence of Funeral Rites as a Risk Factor for the French Bereaved PopulationOmega, 302228241276570. Advance online publication.

Gouriou, E., & Schneider, C. (2024). Brain and muscles magnetic stimulation in a drug-free case of Parkinson’s disease: Motor improvements concomitant to neuroplastictyHeliyon10(15), e35563.

Knoerl R, Sohn MB, Foust M, Francar L, O’Rourke MA, Morrow GM, Mustian KM, Gauthier LGewandter JS. Exploring Analgesic Use Patterns Among Cancer Survivors With Chronic Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy. Oncol Nurs Forum. 2024 Aug 15;51(5):445-450. PMID: 39162787.

Guité-Verret A, Vachon M. The Traces of Cancer: A Metaphorical Understanding of the Experiences of Women Living Beyond Breast Cancer. Qual Health Res. 2024 Aug 19:10497323241242054. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39155833.

Pasha SA, Khalid A, Levy T, Demyan L, Hartman S, Newman E, Weiss MJ, King DA, Zanos T, Melis M. Machine learning to predict completion of treatment for pancreatic cancer. J Surg Oncol. 2024 Aug 19. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39155666.

Diop, A., Sirois, C., Guertin, J. R., Schnitzer, M. E., Brophy, J. M., Blais, C., & Talbot, D. (2024). History-restricted marginal structural model and latent class growth analysis of treatment trajectories for a time-dependent outcomeThe international journal of biostatistics, 10.1515/ijb-2023-0116. Advance online publication.

Lessard, É., O’Brien, N., Panaite, A. C., Leclaire, M., Castonguay, G., Rouly, G., & Boivin, A. (2024). Can you be a peer if you don’t share the same health or social conditions? A qualitative study on peer integration in a primary care settingBMC primary care25(1), 298.

Rosa, W. E., Garcia, C. A., Mardones, M. A., Temin, S., & Sanders, J. J. (2024). Integrating Health Equity in the ASCO Guideline Agenda: Recommendations From Members of the Palliative Care Expert PanelJCO oncology practice, OP2400291. Advance online publication.

Boulet, J., Belzile, E. L., Dion, N., Morency, C., Bérubé, M., Tremblay, A., & Pelet, S. (2024). Palliative care is a viable option for frail elderly patients with neurocognitive disorders admitted for hip fracturesBMC musculoskeletal disorders25(1), 635.

Zeenny, R. M., Haddad, C., Hajj, A., Zeidan, R. K., Salameh, P., & Ferrières, J. (2024). Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Risk Factors among the Lebanese Population: A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Post Hoc StudyNutrients16(15), 2426.

Benoit-Piau, J., Gaudreault, N., Massé-Alarie, H., Guptill, C., Fortin, S., & Morin, M. (2024). Understanding musculoskeletal disorders in dancers: The role of lumbopelvic muscles and movement competencyPhysical therapy in sport : official journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine69, 91–96. Advance online publication.

Sasseville, M., Attisso, E., Gagnon, M. P., Supper, J. M., Ouellet, S., Amil, S., Assi, E. B., & Nguyen, D. K. (2024). Performance, impact and experiences of using wearable devices for seizure detection in community-based settings: a mixed methods systematic reviewmHealth10, 27.

Radziszewski, S., Houle, J., Montiel, C., Fontan, J. M., Torres, J., Frolich, K., Boivin, A., Coulombe, S., & Gaudreau, H. (2024). Aiming for transformations in power: lessons from intersectoral CBPR with public housing tenants (Québec, Canada)Health promotion international39(4), daae085.

Vellani, S., Yous, M. L., Rivas, V. M., Lucchese, S., Kruizinga, J., Sussman, T., Abelson, J., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Bravo, G., Brazil, K., Ganann, R., & Kaasalainen, S. (2024). Patient and public involvement in international research: Perspectives of a team of researchers from six countries on collaborating with people with lived experiences of dementia and end-of-lifeHealth expectations : an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy27(1), e13942.

Sussman, T., Ma, X. P., Oyinlola, O., Grenier, A., Cascio, M. A., McCleary, L., Hunter, P. V., Soulières, M., & Zakaria, R. (2024). Supported decision-making with persons with dementia: a scoping review protocol in partnership with lived expertsBMJ open14(8), e085954.

Rouly, G., & Boivin, A. (2024). Nurturing Resilient Health Ecosystems: What Can We Learn From Patient and Professional Experience?HealthcarePapers, 22(SP), 64–70.



Adenyo, D., Guertin, J. R., Candas, B., Sirois, C., & Talbot, D. (2024). Evaluation and comparison of covariate balance metrics in studies with time-dependent confoundingStatistics in medicine, 10.1002/sim.10188. Advance online publication.

Ma, K., & Wright, D. K. (2024). The complexity of caring for dying residents cannot be understated, nor can its moral significanceEvidence-based nursing, ebnurs-2023-103916. Advance online publication.

Braiki, R., Douville, F., & Gagnon, M. P. (2024). Factors Influencing Novice and Beginner Nurses’ Intention to Report Medication Errors and Near MissesThe Canadian journal of nursing research = Revue canadienne de recherche en sciences infirmieres, 8445621241263438. Advance online publication.

Jose, A., Sasseville, M., Gorus, E., Giguère, A., Bourbonnais, A., Abbasgholizadeh Rahimi, S., Balley, C., Buyl, R., & Gagnon, M. P. (2024). Existing Digital Health Technology Index Summary Report for Older Adults Living with Neurocognitive Disorders (Mild and Major) and Their Informal Caregivers: An Environmental ScanGeriatrics (Basel, Switzerland)9(4), 85.

Champagne, E.Chénard, J.Simard, C., Bonanno, M., Bogossian, A., Roberge, V.Olivier-d’Avignon, M.Ummel, D.Fortin, G., Bergeron, F., & Bonenfant, F. (2024). Scoping Review on Transitions in the Context of Pediatric Palliative CareJournal of palliative medicine, 10.1089/jpm.2023.0673. Advance online publication.

Develay, É., Dassieu, L., Beauchet, O., Galery, K., Quesnel-Vallée, A., Karunananthan, S., Godard-Sebillotte, C., Archambault, P., Launay, C., Tchouaket, É., Puzhko, S., Holyoke, P., & Sourial, N. (2024). Prioritizing protecting oneself over the COVID-19 virus versus other health and social needs among older adults living alone: a qualitative studyThe Gerontologist, gnae089. Advance online publication.

Bet, Q., Gilbert, A., Bergeron, J., Fournel, I., Savard, J., Foldes-Busque, G. & Provencher, M. D. (2024). Perceptions des professionnels face à l’implantation d’autosoins dirigés dans le cadre du Programme québécois pour les troubles mentauxSanté mentale au Québec49(1), 99–122.

Verdon, C. & Lalonde, M. (2024). Exercer son rôle infirmier à l’urgence en conjuguant la performance au bien-êtreSoins d’urgence5(1), 18–20.

Laplante, S., Beaulieu, N., Sultan, S. & Péloquin, K. (2024). The Role of Attachment in Parents’ Perception of the Impact of Pediatric Cancer on Their RelationshipScience of Nursing and Health Practices / Science infirmière et pratiques en santé7(1), 34–50.

Abi-Zeid, I., Bouchard, N., Bousquet, M., Cerutti, J., Dupéré, S., Fortier, J., Lavoie, R., Mauger, I., Raymond, C., Richard, E., & Savard, L. (2024). A multicriteria vulnerability index for equitable resource allocation in public health fundingCanadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de sante publique, 10.17269/s41997-024-00903-8. Advance online publication.

Borowsky, H. M., Schofield, C. L., Du, T., Margo, J., Williams, K. K. A., Sloan, D., Bullock, K., & Sanders, J. J. (2024). Race Dialogues and Potential Application in Clinical Environments: A Scoping ReviewJournal of general internal medicine, 10.1007/s11606-024-08915-3. Advance online publication.

Verret, M., Le, J. B. P., Lalu, M. M., Jeffers, M. S., McIsaac, D. I., Nicholls, S. G., Turgeon, A. F., Ramchandani, R., Li, H., Hutton, B., Zivkovic, F., Graham, M., Lê, M., Geist, A., Bérubé, M., O’Hearn, K., Gilron, I., Poulin, P., Daudt, H., Martel, G., … Fergusson, D. A. (2024). Effectiveness of dexmedetomidine on patient-centred outcomes in surgical patients: a systematic review and Bayesian meta-analysisBritish journal of anaesthesia, S0007-0912(24)00346-5. Advance online publication.

Sacre, H., Haddad, C., Sakr, F., Safwan, J., Hajj, A., Zeenny, R. M., Akel, M., & Salameh, P. (2024). Patient-pharmacist relationship dynamics: a mediation analysis of patient characteristics and reported outcomesJournal of pharmaceutical policy and practice17(1), 2371409.

Espinoza Suarez, N. R., Loignon, C., Dupere, S., Dufour, I., Shareck, M., Apparicio, P., Ouellet, J., Pineault, J., Amagnamoua, S., Laferrière, M. C., & Wilson, I. (2024). Uncovering the state of knowledge about healthcare gentrification: a scoping review protocolBMJ open14(7), e085375.

Garneau, J., Savard, J., Dang-Vu, T. T., & Gouin, J. P. (2024). Predicting response to stepped-care cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia using pre-treatment heart rate variability in cancer patientsSleep medicine121, 160–170. Advance online publication.

Pomey, M. P., Iliescu Nelea, M., Vialaron, C., Normandin, L., Côté, M. A., Desforges, M., Pomey-Carpentier, P., Adjtoutah, N., Fortin, I., Ganache, I., Régis, C., Rosberger, Z., Charpentier, D., Bélanger, L., Dorval, M., Ghadiri, D. P., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Boivin, A., Pelletier, J. F., Fernandez, N., … de Guise, M. (2024). The black box of the relationship between breast cancer patients and accompanying patients: the accompanied patients’ point of viewBMC cancer24(1), 822.

Boivin, A., Mothci, D., Dumez, V., Shore, F., & Bok, A. (2024). World leaders unite to embed social participation in health systemsBMJ (Clinical research ed.)386, q1460.

Chiu, Y. M., Sirois, C., Simard, M., Gagnon, M. E., & Talbot, D. (2024). Traditional methods hold their ground against machine learning in predicting potentially inappropriate medication use in older adultsValue in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, S1098-3015(24)02743-8. Advance online publication.

Tremblay, A., Pelet, S., Belzile, É., Boulet, J., Morency, C., Dion, N., Gagnon, M. A., Gauthier, L., Khalfi, A., & Bérubé, M. (2024). Strategies to improve end-of-life decision-making and palliative care following hip fracture in frail older adults: a scoping reviewAge and ageing53(7), afae134.

Corbeil, O., Anderson, É., Béchard, L., Desmeules, C., Huot-Lavoie, M., Bachand, L., Brodeur, S., Carmichael, P. H., Jacques, C., Solmi, M., Giroux, I., Dorval, M., Demers, M. F., & Roy, M. A. (2024). Reply to: Why does problem gambling in psychotic disorders pose such a challenge for comprehension?Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica, 10.1111/acps.13730. Advance online publication.

Dufour, I., Margo-Dermer, E., Hudon, C., Sirois, C.Godard-Sebillotte, C., Sourial, N., Rochette, L., Quesnel-Vallée, A., & Vedel, I. (2024). Profiles of healthcare use of persons living with dementia: A population-based cohort studyGeriatrics & gerontology international, 10.1111/ggi.14930. Advance online publication.

Haywood, D., Henry, M., Dauer, E., Lederman, O., Farley, M., Henneghan, A. M., O’Connor, M., Jefford, M., Rossell, S. L., & Hart, N. H. (2024). Cancer-related cognitive impairment as a key contributor to psychopathology in cancer survivors: implications for prevention, treatment and supportive careSupportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer32(7), 480.

JUIN 2024

Jia, Z., Kurahashi, A., Sharma, R. K., Mahtani, R., Zagorski, B. M., Sanders, J. J., Yarnell, C., Detsky, M., Lindvall, C., Teno, J. M., Bell, C. M., & Quinn, K. L. (2024). A Comparison of Palliative Care Delivery between Ethnically Chinese and Non-Chinese Canadians in the Last Year of LifeJournal of general internal medicine, 10.1007/s11606-024-08859-8. Advance online publication.

Guay, M., Auger, C., Séguin-Tremblay, N., Michaud, F., Labbé, M., Chevalier, N., Plante, M., & Polgar, J. (2024). Utility of 3D modelling of the patient’s living environment as perceived by occupational therapistsAustralian occupational therapy journal, 10.1111/1440-1630.12975. Advance online publication.

Denton, E., Hew, M., Peters, M. J., Upham, J. W., Bulathsinhala, L., Tran, T. N., Martin, N., Bergeron, C., Al-Ahmad, M., Altraja, A., Larenas-Linnemann, D., Murray, R., Celis-Preciado, C. A., Al-Lehebi, R., Belhassen, M., Bhutani, M., Bosnic-Anticevich, S. Z., Bourdin, A., Brusselle, G. G., Busby, J., … Côté, A., ISAR LUMINANT Working Group (2024). Real-world biologics response and super-response in the International Severe Asthma Registry cohortAllergy, 10.1111/all.16178. Advance online publication.

Sirois, C., & Simard, M. (2024). Medication Use Around the Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Commentary on the Study by Liau et alJournal of the American Medical Directors Association, 105103. Advance online publication.

Walker, M. J., Blackmore, K. M., Chang, A., Lambert-Côté, L., Turgeon, A., Antoniou, A. C., Bell, K. A., Broeders, M. J. M., Brooks, J. D., Carver, T., Chiquette, J., Després, P., Easton, D. F., Eisen, A., Eloy, L., Evans, D. G., Fienberg, S., Joly, Y., Kim, R. H., Kim, S. J., … Dorval, M., Simard, J., Chiarelli, A. M. (2024). Implementing Multifactorial Risk Assessment with Polygenic Risk Scores for Personalized Breast Cancer Screening in the Population Setting: Challenges and OpportunitiesCancers16(11), 2116.

Tock, W. L., Johnson, N. A., Andersen, R. E., Salaciak, M., Angelillo, C., Loiselle, C. G., Hébert, M., & Maheu, C. (2024). Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Lymfit: A Theory-Guided Exercise Intervention for Young Adults with LymphomaHealthcare (Basel, Switzerland)12(11), 1101.

Bérubé, M., Verret, M., Bourque, L., Côté, C., Guénette, L., Richard-Denis, A., Ouellet, S., Singer, L. N., Gauthier, L.Gagnon, M. P., Gagnon, M. A., & Martorella, G. (2024). Educational needs and preferences of adult patients with acute pain: a mixed-methods systematic reviewPain, 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003288. Advance online publication.

D’Aragon, F., Selzner, M., Breau, R., Masse, M. H., Lamontagne, F., Masse, M., Chassé, M., Carrier, F. M., Cardinal, H., Chaudhury, P., Weiss, M., Lauzier, F., Turgeon, A. F., Frenette, A. J., Bolduc, B., Ducharme, A., Lamarche, C., Couture, E., Holdsworth, S., Bertholz, L., … Canadian Critical Care Trials Group and the Canadian Donation and Transplant Research Program (2024). Calcineurin Inhibitor in NEuRoloGically deceased donors to decrease kidney delayed graft function study: study protocol of the CINERGY Pilot randomised controlled trialBMJ open14(6), e086777.

Allard, E., Dumaine, S., Sasseville, M., Gabet, M., & Duhoux, A. (2024). Quality of palliative and end-of-life care: a qualitative study of experts’ recommendations to improve indicators in Quebec (Canada)BMC palliative care23(1), 146.

Sofronas, M., Carnevale, F. A., Macdonald, M. E., Bitzas, V., & Wright, D. K. (2024). « We are not the person we will be when these things happen: » Reflections on personhood from an ethnography of neuropalliative careNursing inquiry, e12646. Advance online publication.

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MAI 2024

Taillieu, R., Weiss, M. J., Harvey, D., Murphy, N., Weijer, C., & Chandler, J. A. (2024). Pre-Mortem Interventions for the Purpose of Organ Donation: Legal Approaches to ConsentThe Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics52(1), 7–21.

Sanders, J. J., Benotti, E., Jaramillo, C., Sihlongonyane, B., Downey, N., Mitchell, S., Sterba, K. R., Carey, E. C., Meier, D., Mohta, N. S., Fromme, E., & Paladino, J. (2024). Implementing the Serious Illness Care Program in Safety Net Health Systems: a qualitative studyJournal of pain and symptom management, S0885-3924(24)00787-5. Advance online publication.

Petrillo, L. A., Jones, K. F., El-Jawahri, A., Sanders, J., Greer, J. A., & Temel, J. S. (2024). Why and How to Integrate Early Palliative Care Into Cutting-Edge Personalized Cancer CareAmerican Society of Clinical Oncology educational book. American Society of Clinical Oncology. Annual Meeting44(3), e100038.

Henry, M., Chen, L. M., Ducharme, L., Devault-Tousignant, C., Rosberger, Z., Frenkiel, S., Hier, M., Zeitouni, A., Kost, K., Mlynarek, A., Richardson, K., Chartier, G., Mascarella, M., Sadeghi, N., Sultanem, K., Shenouda, G., Cury, F. L., & Meaney, M. (2024). Genetic Risk For Depression and Quality of Life in Patients With Head and Neck CancerJAMA otolaryngology– head & neck surgery, e240376. Advance online publication.

Simard, M., Rahme, E., Dubé, M., Boiteau, V., Talbot, D., Mésidor, M., Chiu, Y. M., & Sirois, C. (2024). 10-Year Multimorbidity Trajectories in Older People Have Limited Benefit in Predicting Short-Term Health Outcomes in Comparison to Standard Multimorbidity Thresholds: A Population-Based StudyClinical epidemiology16, 345–355.

Gagnon, M. E., Mésidor, M., Simard, M., Chiu, Y. M., Gosselin, M., Candas, B., & Sirois, C. (2024). A comparative analysis of medication counting methods to assess polypharmacy in medico-administrative databasesResearch in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAP, S1551-7411(24)00175-X. Advance online publication.

Gamm, S., Ummel, D., Vasil, N., & Grenier, S. (2024). Getting Insight to the Lived Emotional Experience of People with Alzheimer’s Disease Shortly After Diagnosis: A Phenomenological ApproachJournal of Alzheimer’s disease : JAD99(3), 1129–1145.

Brochu, A., Kairy, D., Alos, N., Laverdière, C., Sinnett, D., Sultan, S., Curnier, D., Miron, M. C., El-Jalbout, R., Fiscaletti, M., & Hébert, L. J. (2024). Physical impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia survivors with and without hip osteonecrosis: a PETALE cohort studyJournal of cancer survivorship : research and practice, 10.1007/s11764-024-01585-4. Advance online publication.

Santos, L. B. P. A. D., Alvarenga, W. A., Leite, A. C. A. B., Neris, R. R., Lima, R. A. G., Montigny, F., Verdon, C., & Nascimento, L. C. (2024). Compassion Fatigue: A Comprehensive Discussion on its Development and Repercussions Among Oncology NursesSeminars in oncology nursing, 151655. Advance online publication.

Lin, J., Selkirk, E. K., Siqueira, I., Beaucage, M., Carriere, C., Dart, A., De Angelis, M., Erickson, R. L., Ghent, E., Goldberg, A., Hartell, D., Henderson, R., Matsuda-Abedini, M., McKay, A., Prestidge, C., Toulouse, C., Urschel, S., Weiss, M. J., & Anthony, S. J. (2024). Access to and Health Outcomes of Pediatric Solid Organ Transplantation for Indigenous Children in 4 Settler-colonial Countries: A Scoping ReviewTransplantation, 10.1097/TP.0000000000005071. Advance online publication.

Yapi, S. M., Boudrias, M., Tremblay, A., Belanger, G., Sourial, N., Boivin, A.Sasseville, M., Côté, A., Gartner, J. B., Taleb, N., Lavoie, M. E., Trépanier, E., Vachon, B., Labelle, M., & Layani, G. (2024). Intersectoral health interventions to improve the well-being of people living with type 2 diabetes: a scoping review protocolBMJ open14(5), e080659.

Hardy, M. S., Fanaki, C., Savoie, C., Wilchesky, M.Gagnon, M. P., Laberge, M., Couture, V., Côté, A., Dallaire, C., Voyer, P., Gallani, M. C., Dallaire, B., & Gagnon, É. (2024). Long-term care staffs’ experience in facilitating the use of videoconferencing by cognitively impaired long-term care residents during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed-methods study. BMC health services research24(1), 646.

Aaron, S. D., Vandemheen, K. L., Whitmore, G. A., Bergeron, C., Boulet, L. P., Côté, A., McIvor, R. A., Penz, E., Field, S. K., Lemière, C., Mayers, I., Bhutani, M., Azher, T., Lougheed, M. D., Gupta, S., Ezer, N., Licskai, C. J., Hernandez, P., Ainslie, M., Alvarez, G. G., … UCAP Investigators (2024). Early Diagnosis and Treatment of COPD and Asthma – A Randomized, Controlled TrialThe New England journal of medicine, 10.1056/NEJMoa2401389. Advance online publication.

Vonarx N. (2024). Une discipline infirmière rhizomique : des savoirs théoriques pour aborder les corps soignés et soignants [A rhizomic nursing discipline: theoretical knowledge for dealing with cared-for and nursing bodies]Soins; la revue de reference infirmiere69(885), 41–48.

Simard, M., Rahme, E., Dubé, M., Boiteau, V., Talbot, D., & Sirois, C. (2024). Multimorbidity prevalence and health outcome prediction: assessing the impact of lookback periods, disease count, and definition criteria in health administrative data at the population-based levelBMC medical research methodology24(1), 113.

Castro, A., Londono Velez, J. B., Nghiem, T., Moffat, K., Arnaert, A., Pagnotta, A., Gautrin, A. & Tsimicalis, A. (2024). A Systematic Search of Publicly Available mHealth Apps for Respite Care CoordinationCanadian Journal of Nursing Informatics, 19(1).

Yapi, S. M., Boudrias, M., Tremblay, A., Belanger, G., Sourial, N., Boivin, A.Sasseville, M., Côté, A., Gartner, J. B., Taleb, N., Lavoie, M. E., Trépanier, E., Vachon, B., Labelle, M., & Layani, G. (2024). Intersectoral health interventions to improve the well-being of people living with type 2 diabetes: a scoping review protocol. BMJ open, 14(5)e080659.

Hardy, M. S., Fanaki, C., Savoie, C., Wilchesky, M.Gagnon, M. P., Laberge, M., Couture, V., Côté, A., Dallaire, C., Voyer, P., Gallani, M. C., Dallaire, B., & Gagnon, É. (2024). Long-term care staffs’ experience in facilitating the use of videoconferencing by cognitively impaired long-term care residents during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed-methods study. BMC health services research, 24(1), 646.

Aaron, S. D., Vandemheen, K. L., Whitmore, G. A., Bergeron, C., Boulet, L. P., Côté, A., McIvor, R. A., Penz, E., Field, S. K., Lemière, C., Mayers, I., Bhutani, M., Azher, T., Lougheed, M. D., Gupta, S., Ezer, N., Licskai, C. J., Hernandez, P., Ainslie, M., Alvarez, G. G., … UCAP Investigators (2024). Early Diagnosis and Treatment of COPD and Asthma – A Randomized, Controlled TrialThe New England journal of medicine, 10.1056/NEJMoa2401389. Advance online publication.

Vonarx N. (2024). Une discipline infirmière rhizomique : des savoirs théoriques pour aborder les corps soignés et soignants [A rhizomic nursing discipline: theoretical knowledge for dealing with cared-for and nursing bodies]. Soins; la revue de reference infirmiere, 69(885), 41–48.

Simard, M., Rahme, E., Dubé, M., Boiteau, V., Talbot, D., & Sirois, C. (2024). Multimorbidity prevalence and health outcome prediction: assessing the impact of lookback periods, disease count, and definition criteria in health administrative data at the population-based levelBMC medical research methodology, 24(1), 113.

Lee, N. T., Savvidou, I., Selan, C., Calvello, I., Vuong, A., Wright, D. K., Brkljaca, R., Willcox, A., Chia, J. S., Wang, X., Peter, K., Robson, S. C., Medcalf, R. L., Nandurkar, H. H., & Sashindranath, M. (2024). Development of endothelial-targeted CD39 as a therapy for ischaemic strokeJournal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH, S1538-7836(24)00281-2. Advance online publication.

Sanders, J. J., Temin, S., Ghoshal, A., Alesi, E. R., Ali, Z. V., Chauhan, C., Cleary, J. F., Epstein, A. S., Firn, J. I., Jones, J. A., Litzow, M. R., Lundquist, D., Mardones, M. A., Nipp, R. D., Rabow, M. W., Rosa, W. E., Zimmermann, C., & Ferrell, B. R. (2024). Palliative Care for Patients With Cancer: ASCO Guideline UpdateJournal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, JCO2400542. Advance online publication.

Côté, A., Lee, C. H., Metwaly, S. M., Doig, C. J., Andonegui, G., Yipp, B. G., Parhar, K. K. S., & Winston, B. W. (2024). Endotyping in ARDS: one step forward in precision medicine. European journal of medical research, 29(1), 284.

Coupat, C., & Allard, E. (2024). Beyond stages: Comment on Tan et al. (2024) ‘Stages of readiness for advance care planning: Systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence rates and associated factors’International journal of nursing studies, 156, 104782. Advance online publication.

Henry, M., Asuzu, C., Savard, S., Devault-Tousignant, C., Timmermans, S., Khosravi, K., Amin, A., Albert, J., Krochmalnek, T., Odiyo, P., Akin-Odanye, E. O., Terwase, J., Lounsbury, D., Nichols, S., Nichols, S., & Palmer, C. (2024). Psychosocial and palliative care in African national cancer control plans: A qualitative study. Psycho-oncology, 33(5), e6346.

Dewan, T., Avinashi, V., Beaudry, P., Doré-Bergeron, M. J., Gaucher, N., & Nelson, K. (2024). Antireflux Procedures in Children With Neurologic Impairment: A National Survey of Physician Perspectives. Hospital pediatrics, e2023007643. Advance online publication.

Espinoza-Moya, M. E., Guertin, J. R., Floret, A., Dorval, M., Lapointe, J., Chiquette, J., Bouchard, K., Nabi, H., & Laberge, M. (2024). Mapping inter-professional collaboration in oncogenetics: Results from a scoping review. Critical reviews in oncology/hematology, 199, 104364. Advance online publication.

Arsenault-Lapierre, G., Godard-Sebillotte, C., Bui, T., Sourial, N., Rochette, L., Massamba, V., Sirois, C., Kosteniuk, J., Morgan, D., Quesnel-Vallée, A., & Vedel, I. (2024). Rural-Urban Differences in Healthcare Use in Persons With Dementia Between 2000 and 2019: A Quebec Population-Based StudyHealthcare policy = Politiques de sante, 19(3), 78–95.

Assan, O., Memoli, V., Guillaumie, L., Turcotte, V., Lemay, M., Dionne, A., Lemieux, J., Provencher, L., Gotay, C., de Bruin, M., Guénette, L., & Lauzier, S. (2024). Pilot randomized controlled trial of a program to enhance experience and adherence with adjuvant endocrine therapy among women with non-metastatic breast cancer: 12-month quantitative resultsJournal of cancer survivorship : research and practice, 10.1007/s11764-024-01599-y. Advance online publication.

Attaran Kakhki, N., Garber, P., Dudubo, O., Salem, A., Carnevale, F. A., & Macdonald, M. E. (2024). Enhancing children’s participation in dental research: A commentaryCommunity dentistry and oral epidemiology, 10.1111/cdoe.12970. Advance online publication.

AVRIL 2024

Castro, A., Londono Velez, J. B., Nghiem, T., Moffat, K., Arnaert, A., Pagnotta, A., Gautrin, A. & Tsimicalis, A. (2024). A Systematic Search of Publicly Available mHealth Apps for Respite Care CoordinationCanadian Journal of Nursing Informatics, 19(1).

Narasimhan A., Kumaran M., Gioulbasanis I., Skipworth R. J. E., Bathe O. F., Kaasa S., Strasser, F., Gagnon, B. et al (2024) A genome wide association study to identify germline copy number variants associated with cancer cachexia: a preliminary analysisJCSM Communications.

Robichaud, L. A., Felipe, J., Duval, M., Michon, B., Olivier-D’Avignon, M., Perreault, S., Tyo-Gomez, M., Marquis, M. A., & Sultan, S. (2024). Quality-of-Life Assessment in Pediatric Advanced Cancer: Development of the Patient-Reported Outcome Measure Advance QoLCurrent oncology (Toronto, Ont.)31(4), 2289–2304.

Guité-Verret, A., Boivin, J., Hanna, A. M. R., Downar, J., Bush, S. H., Marcoux, I.Guay, D.Tapp, D., Lapenskie, J., & Gagnon, B. (2024). Continuous palliative sedation until death: a qualitative study of palliative care clinicians’ experiencesBMC palliative care23(1), 104.

Jehloh, L., Songwathana, P., Kitrungrote, L., & Bourbonnais, A. (2024). Perspectives of family caregivers and nurses on hospital discharge transitional care for Muslim older adults living with COPD: a qualitative studyBMC nursing23(1), 273.

Ferrell, B., & Sanders, J. (2024). Opportunities for Expanding the Integration of Palliative Care in Oncology CareJournal of palliative medicine, 10.1089/jpm.2024.0102. Advance online publication.

Conombo, B., Guertin, J. R., Hoch, J. S., Grimshaw, J., Bérubé, M., Malo, C., Berthelot, S., Lauzier, F., Stelfox, H. T., Turgeon, A. F., Archambault, P., Belcaid, A., & Moore, L. (2024). Implementation of an audit and feedback module targeting low-value clinical practices in a provincial trauma quality assurance program: a cost-effectiveness studyBMC health services research24(1), 479.

Young, L. (2024). Music Therapy for Persons with Advanced Dementia at the End of Life. In Dileo, C. & Baroni, M. (Eds.) Music Therapy at The End of Life (2nd ed., vol. 1, chap.44). Jeffrey Books.
Godard-Sebillotte, C., Navani, S., Hacker, G., & Vedel, I. (2024). Considering inequities in national dementia strategies: breadth, depth, and scopeInternational journal for equity in health23(1), 75.

Castro, A., Lalonde-LeBlond, G., Freitas, Z., Arnaert, A., Bitzas, V., Kildea, J., Moffatt, K., Phillips, D., Wiseblatt, L., Hall, A. J., Després, V., & Tsimicalis, A. (2024). In-Home Respite Care Services Available to Families With Palliative Care Needs in Quebec: Novel Digital Environmental Scan. JMIR nursing7, e53078.

Auclair, I., & Bourbonnais, A. (2024). The Involvement of Caregivers in the End-of-life Care of an Older Adult Living in a Long-term Care Home: A Qualitative Case Study with Nurses and RelativesThe Canadian journal of nursing research = Revue canadienne de recherche en sciences infirmieres, 8445621241247862. Advance online publication.

Wu, C. C., Tsantilas, K. A., Park, J., Plubell, D., Sanders, J. A., Naicker, P., Govender, I., Buthelezi, S., Stoychev, S., Jordaan, J., Merrihew, G., Huang, E., Parker, E. D., Riffle, M., Hoofnagle, A. N., Noble, W. S., Poston, K. L., Montine, T. J., & MacCoss, M. J. (2024). Mag-Net: Rapid enrichment of membrane-bound particles enables high coverage quantitative analysis of the plasma proteomebioRxiv : the preprint server for biology, 2023.06.10.544439.

Duhoux, A., Allard, E., Hamel, D., Sasseville, M., Dumaine, S., Gabet, M., & Guertin, M. H. (2024). Quality of palliative and end-of-life care: a quantitative study of temporal trends and differences according to illness trajectories in Quebec (Canada)BMC palliative care23(1), 93.

Attisso, E., Guenette, L., Dionne, C. E., Kröger, E., Dialahy, I., Tessier, S., & Jean, S. (2024). New opioid prescription claims and their clinical indications: results from health administrative data in Quebec, Canada, over 14 yearsBMJ open14(4), e077664.

Grenier, J., Verdon, C.Cherblanc, J.Simard, C., Maltais, D., & Bergeron-Leclerc, C. (2023). Expériences d’accompagnement en fin de vie à domicile durant la pandémie de COVID-19 : enjeux et défis [End-of-life support experiences at home during the Covid-19 pandemic: Issues and challenges]. Sante mentale au Quebec48(2), 295–315.

Wtorek, P., Weiss, M. J., Singh, J. M., Hrymak, C., Chochinov, A., Grunau, B., Paunovic, B., Shemie, S. D., Lalani, J., Piggott, B., Stempien, J., Archambault, P., Seleseh, P., Fowler, R., & Leeies, M. (2024). Beliefs of physician directors on the management of devastating brain injuries at the Canadian emergency department and intensive care unit interface: a national site-level survey. Croyance des directeurs médicaux sur la prise en charge des lésions cérébrales dévastatrices à la jonction entre le service d’urgence et l’unité de soins intensifs au Canada : un sondage national par établissementCanadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d’anesthesie, 10.1007/s12630-024-02749-7. Advance online publication.

Panaite, A. C., Desroches, O. A., Warren, É., Rouly, G., Castonguay, G., & Boivin, A. (2024). Engaging with peers to integrate community care: Knowledge synthesis and conceptual mapHealth expectations : an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy27(2), e14034.

Corbeil, O., Anderson, É., Béchard, L., Desmeules, C., Huot-Lavoie, M., Bachand, L., Brodeur, S., Carmichael, P. H., Jacques, C., Solmi, M., Giroux, I., Dorval, M., Demers, M. F., & Roy, M. A. (2024). Problem gambling in psychotic disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalenceActa psychiatrica Scandinavica, 10.1111/acps.13686. Advance online publication.

Izumi, S. S., Garcia, E., Kualaau, A., Sloan, D. E., DeSanto-Madeya, S., Candrian, C., Anderson, E., & Sanders, J. (2024). Advance care planning as perceived by marginalized populations: Willing to engage and facing obstaclesPloS one19(4), e0301426.

MARS 2024

Arsenault-Lapierre, G., Bui, T., Godard-Sebillotte, C., Kang, N., Sourial, N., Rochette, L., Massamba, V., Quesnel-Vallée, A., & Vedel, I. (2024). Sex Differences in Healthcare Utilization in Persons Living with Dementia Between 2000 and 2017: A Population-Based Study in Quebec, CanadaJournal of aging and health, 8982643241242512. Advance online publication.

Garland, S. N., Tulk, J., Savard, J., Rash, J. A., Browne, S., Urquhart, R., Seal, M., Thoms, J., & Laing, K. (2024). Randomized Controlled Trial of Virtually Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia to Address Perceived Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment in Cancer SurvivorsJournal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, JCO2302330. Advance online publication.

Benoit-Piau, J., Gaudreault, N., Vallerand, R., Fortin, S., Guptill, C., & Morin, M. (2024). Passion and performance anxiety: How it affects the incidence of musculoskeletal disorders in dancersPsychology of sport and exercise73, 102632. Advance online publication.

Laniel, J., Sultan, S., Sinnett, D., Laverdière, C., Krajinovic, M., Robaey, P., Duong, L., & Lippé, S. (2024). Cumulative Dosage of Intrathecal Chemotherapy Agents Predicts White Matter Integrity in Long-Term Survivors of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A PETALE StudyCancers16(6), 1208.

Archambault, L., Bertrand, K., Martel, M. O., Bérubé, M., Belhouari, S., & Perreault, M. (2024). The current state of knowledge on care for co-occurring chronic pain and opioid use disorder: A scoping reviewJournal of clinical nursing, 10.1111/jocn.17139. Advance online publication.

Fontaine, G., Poitras, M. E., Sasseville, M., Pomey, M. P., Ouellet, J., Brahim, L. O., Wasserman, S., Bergeron, F., & Lambert, S. D. (2024). Barriers and enablers to the implementation of patient-reported outcome and experience measures (PROMs/PREMs): protocol for an umbrella reviewSystematic reviews13(1), 96.

David, P. M., Lata, K. L., Bouthillier, M. E., & Bélisle-Pipon, J. C. (2024). Understanding drug exceptional access programs (DEAPs) in Canada, and their associated social and political issuesBMC medical ethics25(1), 37.

Bérubé, M., Bradley, N., O’Donnell, M., Stelfox, H. T., Garraway, N., Vasiliadis, H. M., Turcotte, V., Perreault, M., Menear, M., Archambault, L., Haagsma, J., Provencher, H., Genest, C., Gagnon, M. A., Bourque, L., Lapierre, A., Khalfi, A., & Panenka, W. (2024). Clinical practice guideline recommendations to improve the mental health of adult trauma patients: protocol for a systematic reviewBMJ open14(3), e079205.

Gnanvi, J. E., Yanchar, N., Freire, G., Beaulieu, E., Tardif, P. A., Bérubé, M., Macpherson, A., Pike, I., Zemek, R., Gagnon, I. J., Carsen, S., Gabbe, B., Gnanou, S., Duval, C., & Moore, L. (2024). Social determinants of health and disparities in pediatric trauma care: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysisSystematic reviews13(1), 94.

Robitaille, K., Guertin, M. H., Jamshidi, A., Xu, H. W., Hovington, H., Pelletier, J. F., Beaudoin, L., Gevariya, N., Lacombe, L., Tiguert, R., Caumartin, Y., Dujardin, T., Toren, P., Lodde, M., Racine, É., Trudel, D., Perigny, M., Duchesne, T., Savard, J., Julien, P., … Fradet, V. (2024). A phase IIb randomized placebo-controlled trial testing the effect of MAG-EPA long-chain omega-3 fatty acid dietary supplement on prostate cancer proliferationCommunications medicine4(1), 56.

Gagnon, M. E., Talbot, D., Tremblay, F., Desforges, K., & Sirois, C. (2024). Polypharmacy and risk of fractures in older adults: A systematic reviewJournal of evidence-based medicine17(1), 145–171.

Ki, M., Lapierre, S., Gim, B., Hwang, M., Kang, M., Jung, M., Jiali Koh, E., Dargis, L., & Mishara, B. (2024). A systematic review of psychosocial protective factors against suicide and suicidality among older adults. International Psychogeriatrics, 1-25.

Teasdale-Dubé A., Viau-Quesnel, C., & Lapierre, S. (2024). Suicidal ideation in family caregivers for a person with dementia: A portrait of the situationCanadian Journal on Aging.

Calderon Ramirez, C., Farmer, Y., Frolic, A., Bravo, G.Gaucher, N. O.Payot, A., Opatrny, L., Poirier, D., Dahine, J., L’Espérance, A., Downar, J., Tanuseputro, P., Rousseau, L. M., Dumez, V., Descôteaux, A., Dallaire, C., Laporte, K., & Bouthillier, M. E. (2024). What are the views of Quebec and Ontario citizens on the tiebreaker criteria for prioritizing access to adult critical care in the extreme context of a COVID-19 pandemic?BMC medical ethics25(1), 31.

Slessarev, M., Bain, K. L., Basmaji, J., Blydt-Hansen, T. D., Cooper, J., D’Aragon, F., Del Sorbo, L., Evans, A., Gordon, A. C., Klein, G., Meade, M. O., Murphy, N., Thomas, H. L., Weiss, M. J., Weijer, C., & Harvey, D. (2024). Developing Guidance for Donor Intervention Randomized Controlled Trials: Initial Discussions From the Canada-United Kingdom 2022 WorkshopTransplantation, 10.1097/TP.0000000000004983. Advance online publication.

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Jalbert, L., Hautin, A. S., Baron, M., Dubé, È., Gagné, M., Girard, C., Larochelle, C., LeBlanc, A., Sasseville, M., Décary, S., & Tremblay, K. (2024). Motivation to participate and attrition factors in a COVID-19 biobank: A qualitative study. Journal of infection and public health, 17(3), 421–429. Advance online publication.

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